Wednesday 27 November 2019

Tsunami writing

In class we've been writing to the teachers, trying to persuade them to give us one of there seats inside there car when a deadly tsunami comes rolling through, please comment your thoughts and opinions.


Ok, worst case scenario,a tsunami comes and wipes out the entire existence of Gisborne, and your looking for students to rescue, well, if your thinking about not taking me, here's what your missing out on. To me, being fast is the ultimate skill in life,and I am just that, fast, long or short distance,I can cover ground faster than most people. Running is very useful in tsunamis. I can run to navigate where the best place is to go. also, I can run up hills to locate where the tsunami is. “ but that doesn't mean anything,'' well jokes on you, i can just run to the car before anyone else can. As well as being fast , I've got many more sporting abilettes. I do surf life saving and or swimming, so if the tsunami reaches us or someone's starts drowning in a natural lake, I can (possibly) save them,(depends on who it is). Rugby, rugby can be used in many ways. Such as; If something starts charging at us or our possessions,could be animals or maybe other survivors like church, I can just tackle them and stop them in their tracks.”but that's only three sports” you say, just wait, I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve. So, I was digging up my sleeve and I found one more reason why you should take me.I got hops./hop/(a single person with mad jumping height and explosiveness). When Matua Wayne can't reach, I got the hops to grab the said item. And when the monthly survival crates with all the survival gear you could need gets dropped out if air force WW2 cargo carriers, I got the hops to grab them before anyone else. I'm basically the new zealand equivalent of Michael Jordan. Changed your mind yet?, so if your willing to bring a 12 year old kid that you see from 9 till 3 almost everyday with mad hops and incredible speed, im your guy. maxwell

Tuesday 19 November 2019

2019 wevideo project

This is my Wevideo edit, these are some of the experiences i've had this year, these photos are the only ones i could find of myself.hope you enjoy it. please comment what you think of it.